We are greeting friendly from Myanmar let us introduce to Myanmar it is well- known "Golden Land" certainly one of the most exotic countries in the world a land of astounding beauty and charm that said Arthur Kipling.
As you already known, Myanmar invites all the traditional delights of Asia in one fascinating country. Virgin jungles, snow-capped mountains and pristine beaches, combined with and glorious heritage spanning more than two thousand years. Spectacular monuments and ancient cities attest to a vibrant culture that is still home to 135 different ethnic groups.
Our country is a paradise to discover, a destination for discerning travelers to explore and experience the mystical charms of the East in all its diversity, rich archaeological sites, glittering pagodas, a wealth of cultures, colorful festivals and arts. Myanmar is also blessed with an awe inspiring range of natural sights,idyllic land ,cape, lush fertile plains, vast virgin jungles, majestic snowcapped mountains, pristine beaches washed by crystal clear waters, fragrant pine trees and sunflowers bathed in abundant sunshine. But most of all, perfectly complemented by a most gracious and hospitable people. You will certainly enjoy fantastic Myanmar...look back in awe, knowing that you must surely return.
Myanmar, also known as Burma, was long considered a pariah state while under the rule of an oppressive military junta from 1962 to 2011.
The generals who ran the country suppressed almost all dissent - symbolized by the house arrest of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi - and stood accused of gross human rights abuses, prompting international condemnation and sanctions.
A gradual liberalization process has been under way since 2010. The country is expected to see a major shift after the government changed hands early in 2016.
The dominance of the largest ethnic group, the Burman or Bamar people, over the country's many minorities has been fuelling a series of long-running rebellions, although a gradual peace process yielded a draft ceasefire deal in 2015.
The country covers an area of 677,000 square kilometres (261,228 square miles) ranging 936 kilometres (581 miles) from east to west and 2,051 kilometres (1,275 miles) from north to south, It is a land of hills and valleys and is rimmed in the north, east and west by mountain ranges forming a giant horseshoe. Enclosed within the mountaion barriers are the flat lands of Ayeyarwaddy, Chindwin and Sittaung River valleys where most of the country's agricultural land and population are concentrated.
Myanmar is forest-clad mountainous country. Three parallel chains of mountain ranges run from north to south: the Western Yoma or Rakhine Yoma, the Bago Yoma and the Shan Plateau. They begin from the eastern extremity of the Himalaya mountain range. The peak of the Hkakabo-Razi at 5,881 meters (18,000 feet) is the highest in South-East Asia. These mountain chains divide the country into three river systems: the Ayeyarwaddy, the Sittaung and the Thanlwin. The Ayeyarwaddy , the most important river, about 2,170 km (1350 miles) long, and its major tributary, the Chindwinn, 960 km (600 miles) long, constitute the greatest rivering system in the country. As it joins the sea, the Ayeyarwaddy forms a vast delta of 240 km (150 miles) by 210 km (130 miles). According to these mountain chains and river systems, the country can be divided into seven major topographic regions : the Northern Hills, the Western Hills, the Shan plateau, the Central Belt, the Lower Myanmar Delta, the Rakhine Coastal Region and Tanintharyi Coastal Strip.
The length of contiguous frontier is 6,159 kilometres. The total length of Myanmar-Bangladesh boundary is 271 kilometres (168.7 miles). The total length of Myanmar-China boundary is 2,204 kilometres (1,370 miles); Myanmar-Thailand 2,107 kilometres (1,309.8 miles); Myanmar-India 1,338 kilometres (831.8 miles); and Myanmar-Laos 238 kilometres (147.9 miles).
Our country is a colorful patchwork of over 130 nations, races, tribes, ethnic each with a heritage of its own, a most enchanting and friendly people. A land of Golden Smiles awaits the travelers. Most of the country virtually untouched by commercialized tourism, travelers jaded with fast- paced tours will be greatly refreshed by her splendid natural scenic beauty, quiet, simple and charming people, and the prevailing relaxed and accommodating atmosphere.The majority nationalities are called Kachin,Kayin,Kayah,Mon, Bamars, Rakhine and Shan other are races, tribes and ethnic groups in Myanmar.
Our country also well-known and given name as a "Land of Pagodas," when visited and left from Myanmar. In fact Myanmar has not more than just pagodas have to see many to for the travellers. This historic wonderland has just about everything that makes for a memorable cultural experience: colourful bazaars, classic handicrafts, magnificent religious monument and heritage buildings, traditional of each nations, races, tribes ,and ethnics , exquisite gems, enchanting festivals and dances that bring to life the legends of old Myanmar is a world of Golden Sights. Myanmar also boasts one of the lowest tourist crime records in the world, so visitors can rest assured their holiday will be carefree from start to finish.